70%+ of your potential clients research three firms before making a decision.

If you don't show up in research, you don't have the opportunity to be considered. 

We have a hassle-free, SEO content solution to help you rank higher, and we have the proof that it works.

50% make contact in one day

how do we get seo conTent to rank?

We build content pillars to drive website traffic with the intent to do business with you.

It's a painstaking but tremendously effective strategy.  It helps us write content that answers the questions people type in the Google search bar.

In short, it puts you at the right place at the right time.


Content pillars are pivotal to success.

Tell us about your business, goals, and competitors.  We will use this information to research and develop a competitive keyword and content strategy roadmap. 

The strategy roadmap will be a 6-month plan.  At month six, we check in to see what may have changed to make any adjustments.

Here's a sample one-month content plan based on a law firm client.

Have we made our case? Let's talk.


"My phone is ringing off the hook!"

For this law firm, the bottom line is the bottom line.

They turned to us when inbound calls & form fills fell flat. 

We built a smart SEO content plan with 16 monthly posts to reach, engage, and convert their target audience.

The results are thrilling.

  • Q1 phone calls: from 234 to 697 (+197.86%)
  • Q1 form fills: from 31 to 111 (+258.06%)

Google: The most used research tool, even for local searches.

To show up in potential client research, your law firm must rank high in the search results.

That's why we incorporate an emphasis on intent.  People conduct searches based on their intent, be it to learn, research law firms, or retain legal services.  

Our content will place you squarely in the middle of intent-based searches.

If you'd like to learn more, download our eBook "How to Implement SEO for Lawyers"

How do we work together?

Our U.S.-based team crafts and delivers a full month's worth of law firm content on a silver platter.

SEO is more than simply words on screen.  It's content developed based on user intent. With your potential clients conducting research to select a law firm, their intent is to:

  • Gather Information
  • Investigate Options
  • Initiate a Transaction

Sites that post 3+ times per week get 300% more traffic (HubSpot)

How do SEO content subscription plans work?

8 Posts per Month


  • 6-Month Promise (billed monthly)

4 Posts per Month


  • 6-Month Promise (billed monthly)

Custom Plan

  • 6-Month Promise (billed monthly)

Complacency is the enemy.

When being found is essential, smart SEO will keep you ranking on page one for relevant keywords.

Keyword and page rankings change constantly. We get you to page 1 for the intent-based searches your future clients conduct.

Remember, your competitors are working on SEO, too.  

Collaborative, not claustrophobic.

A smart set it and forget it path to success.

This is how the SEO magic begins.


Like all new relationships, this requires a leap of faith for both of us.

We only ask for a 6-month commitment, so we charge $499 to conduct the research and build your plan based on your onboarding survey.


Your dedicated strategist will send you a video outlining the 6-month plan. 

Once approved, we immediately dive into competitive research and content development


Your month-to-month subscription triggers an automatic billing & content delivery cadence.




Scheduling can be automated based on your website, delivery, internal linking, and post date. Or, we can deliver the content in your preferred format for you to upload.



44% of our waking hours are spent looking at a screen.

According to the latest available data, the average person spends 7 hours and 4 minutes per day on screens connected to the internet.

That means superior content is a must have. That's why enlisting RankWriters as your SEO content writing service is a no-brainer strategy. 


Is RankWriters right for you? 

5 fast questions to know if our SEO subscription service is a fit for your business.

 9900+ Google searches just happened.
Where did you rank in them?


Factors that boost your SEO success.

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Google Analytics 4

There is a series of video tutorials on GA4.

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Optimizing Conversions

How to get more leads from your website.

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Competitive Intelligence

How to win against direct and indirect competitors.

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Responsive Web Site

How responsive web design benefits SEO.

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Strong Meta Tags

Meta tags impact your traffic & engagement rates.

Outsmart the Search Engines

Our Nationwide Clients Dominate SEO